Science Communicaton and the Arts
TEDx Freiburg - Talk (2019)
I’m listening to bats. Professionally. Here is what I learned. | Rym Nouioua at TEDxFreiburg

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Projects and Releases
- Selected releases -
- Soundcloud profile at the bottom of this page -
Collaboration: Diana Karle_Planet Ultra
A performative audiowalk about bats, 2024
Research Support & Information
A Minute Longer than Sixty Seconds - Listening to the Silent Guardians 2024
Digital album of Ultrasonic Bat Sound recordings. Download and purchase at WHY KEITH DROPPED THE S
Collaboration: Flesh_TV compilation 2024
"Ultrasonic Squeaks" by Rym Nouioua & Sascha Brosamer. Curator Sukitoa o Namau
"Cold Arousal" ISAC 2024
Rym Nouioua & Diana Karle: Short Listed @ ISAC 2024 “Eugenio Giordani” Pesaro UNESCO Creative City of Music - Italy; IRCAM Centre Pompidou Paris - France
Separation Distress, 2023
60 second sonic artworks podcast.
By artists from everywhere.
A new one every second week.
The Bat Effect, 2021
This podcast will let you hang upside down from the dancefloor. Natural scientist Rym Nouioua and sound art curator Sascha Brosamer will guide you to scientific studies and environmental issues in artistic contexts.
Collaboration: surface structures, 2021
24 sound artists from 13 different countries in 25 sound recordings ranging from a few seconds up to three minutes. 01. Rym Nouioua - Schmerzschwelle
Swarming, 2020
All sounds on this album consits exclusively of bat noises. Download and purchase at Grubenwehr Freiburg.

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