Science communicaton and the Arts

TEDx Freiburg - Talk (2019)

I’m listening to bats. Professionally. Here is what I learned. | Rym Nouioua at TEDxFreiburg 

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United We Stream | Dorfpunkx  x Artik
00:00 - 16:45 min Rym Nouioua live-set

Music Projects and Releases

Collaboration: "Cold Arousal"

Short Listed Tack

ISAC 2024 “Eugenio Giordani” Pesaro UNESCO Creative City of Music – ITALY IRCAM Centre Pompidou Paris – FRANCE  

Separation Distress

60 second sonic artworks podcast.
By artists from everywhere.
A new one every second week.


The Bat Effect

This podcast will let you hang upside down from the dancefloor. Natural scientist Rym Nouioua and sound art curator Sascha Brosamer will guide you to scientific studies and environmental issues in artistic contexts... 

Collaboration: surface structures

24 sound artists from 13 different countries in 25 sound recordings ranging from a few seconds up to three minutes. The pieces cover a wide range of sounds, from field-recordings, drones and ambiences to harsh-noise-walls...


All sounds on this album consits exclusively of bat noises. Download and purchase options at Grubenwehr Freiburg (or link below).

Workshops and Interviews

Making beats from bat sounds
TEDx Shorts

Rym Nouioua shares her fascination with bats - both as creatures and as accidental musicians. This talk was filmed at TEDxFreiburg. 

BAT NIGHT - workshop, concert and organisaton

Awareness makes us capable of action, as long as it reaches those who act - Innovative, low-threshold science
communication, has already made a differences and will also help people to better understand the topic of nature conservation.

Radio Art Zone

DO YOU HEAR THIS PICTURE - a musical radio piece made from soundchecks
BROADCASTED SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 14:00 - SEPTEMBER 2, 2022, 12:00 CET,

Anachronism #433494437

Concert:  Rym Nouioua & Sascha Brosamer: "The Bat Effect" 06.06.22 Schwankhalle Bremen; 07.06.22 MS Strubnitz, Hamburg.

Vogelklang - Festival 2022 (German)

Soundperformance, Bat-Sound walk and Podiumdiscussion 

- Rym Nouioua und Sascha Brosamer arbeiten seit einigen Jahren in multidisziplinären Formaten gemeinsam um die faszinierende Welt der Fledermäuse künstlerisch Menschen näher zu bringen...

Radio Tsonami Interview

TOPO GO TO - Interview


Each episode invites the listeners to do a soundwalk with us while listening to the show and our sounds. The listeners will get instructed by us when listening to our show while walking....

Vogelklang - Festival 2021 (German)

Online Workshop (for Kids) - Build your own bat detector! 
Ralf Schreiber und Rym Nouioua bieten einen Workshop an in dem ihr Fledermaus Detektoren selber bauen könnt. Die Bausätze + Lötkolben könnt ihr bei uns unter [email protected]....

Vogelklang Festival 2020 (German)

Podcast von Rym Nouioua und Sascha Brosamer für das Vogelklangfestival 2020 - In einem Podcast gibt uns Rym Einblicke in ihre Arbeit und dem Zusammenbringen von Kunst und Natur. Dazu beantwortet sie Fragen rund um Bioakustik und Frequenzen.

Fledermaus Fest Tübingen 

Fundraiser Event for Global Forest e.V. -linking art projects with nature conservation - 18.05.19 at Münze, Tübingen. Music spectrum: noise, live electronics, industrial and synthpunk with the integration of nature sounds, e.g. ultrasonic sounds of bats....

Vogelklang Festival 2019

Talk and soundperformance - Rym Nouioua will give an insight into her work as ecologist and give a talk on bioacoustics, followed by a evening bat-walk. Inspired by the sounds of the day, Rym Nouioua will perform a sound performance, which in turn builds on the sounds of the bats...

Batsounds and Beats

Fudder Interview 15.03.2019 (in German) - Diese Freiburger Künstlerin verarbeitet Fledermausgeräusche in ihrer Musik. - Noise, Drone, experimentelle Klänge: Das Label Grubenwehr veranstaltet an diesem Freitag ein Mini-Fest in der KTS. Mit dabei ist die Freiburgerin Rym die mit Fledermaus Geräuschen arbeitet...

Workshop at Letschebach Artspace

7 Jahre Letschebach, Karlsruhe event (22.12.2018) - At the beginning of the evening, bat researcher RYM will give a lecture like introduction workshop to social calls of bats and analysis of ultrasonic frequencies inkl. examples.
- followed by concerts and impro music (performance video linked with foto).

Vogelklang Festival 2018 

Rym Nouioua will take us on a sound walk (on the 01.05.18) through the nearby forest. With the help of mobile (there will be several detectors available for the group) as well as stationary bat detectors, she will show us which bats are around the area. She will explain how to distinguish them from each other and answer questions.

ArtWork Gallery

Cover Designs

Insect Artwork for Corp Label:
001 cottbus
No reason

Insect inspired Artworks

Inspired by Isopods
Contact for more information

Mirror Mirror

Artwork for "Selbstporträt der Weiblichkeit" - Mirror Mirror Exhibition
Shedhalle Tübingen

Limbs | Artwork

Contact for more information 


Feminist Photo Project (2016 - Chile)
Contact for more information

Denk-mal... in Farbe 2015-2016

Initiative for integration and intercultural exchange - the group has launched three integrative art projects since February 2015.